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Yellow Teeth, It’s Time To Meet The Perfect Smile Whitening Kit!



All my life, I was super embarrassed about my teeth. Not because they were crooked or gapped or full of cavities — they weren’t — but because they were so yellow. They’ve always been like that. I remember a girl in my class making fun of me for it in the third grade. My mother would say, “Some teeth are just like that. There’s nothing wrong with it.” She might have been right, but that didn’t make me any less self-conscious. That’s why there were never any pictures of me smiling.


Finally, about a year ago, I asked my dentist about it. “It’s normal,” she said. “It’s not a sign of anything unhealthy, so you shouldn’t worry.” I said even if my teeth were healthy, I was embarrassed about them being yellow. I asked about teeth whitening. My dentist told me she did whitening, but it was a little expensive. I figured it would be worth the cost, so I asked how much. When she told me, I actually laughed out loud. There was no way I could have afforded the treatment.


Not too long after that, I was telling a buddy of mine what happened and how I couldn’t afford teeth whitening. He told me I should buy a whitening kit. I said, “What, those strips? No way. I tried those already. All they did was make my teeth and gums tingly and sensitive, and they didn’t even work anyway.” But he said no, not the strips. He said he used a kit that actually works, called Perfect Smile. I was like, OK, how is it different? He said something about how it uses lights to whiten your teeth. It sounded pretty weird, but I was honestly curious. My friend is a smart guy, plus he does have really nice teeth. So I ordered the Perfect Smile Whitening Kit.


My buddy wasn’t lying about how Perfect Smile uses lights that whiten your teeth. Actually, there are two kinds of lights, plus a whitening gel. It sounds complicated, but it’s actually really easy to use.


The way it works is, after you brush your teeth, you use an applicator pen to apply the Perfect Smile whitening gel to your teeth. Then you put the mouthpiece in your mouth and bite it. After a couple of seconds, the lights in the mouthpiece activate. The two kinds of light are a blue light and a red light. The blue light is what whitens your teeth. The red light is for oral health and bad breath. (Not that I had bad breath, but hey.) You leave the mouthpiece in for 16 minutes, then it turns off automatically. And the mouthpiece is wireless, so you can walk around your apartment or whatever and do your own thing while the whitener works. Pretty simple.


The Perfect Smile Whitening Kit promises to whiten your teeth in seven days. I was skeptical it would work that well that fast, but let me tell you something: I was dead wrong. I used the shade chart it came with to track my progress, and my teeth were noticeably whiter in just a week. I couldn’t believe it.


So now I don’t hesitate to recommend the Perfect Smile Whitening Kit to everyone I know. Or at least to anyone who wants to have whiter teeth and save a bundle on whitening treatments. Perfect Smile worked like a charm for me. For the first time in my life, I’m not afraid to smile.


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