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Taking Care of a Curly Mane


When I was younger, hair straighteners were all the rage. Stick straight hair was hyper trendy, and volume was definitely not on our minds. I still remember my first straightener. It was a low-quality accessory that didn’t do much to smooth out my frizzy mane. Later, my parents gifted me with a brand new, brand-name straightener and it changed my hair styling routine completely. I could finally flatten my hair in less than a half hour! Of course, I was also heavily damaging my hair in the process, but I didn’t much care. I was getting the locks I had always wanted. I still had to wash and dry it before I could style it, but my straightener was like a safety blanket. If I had it around, I knew I could get rid of my unsightly waves.


As we get older, our hair texture changes. Mine looks and feels different. The change, if not from age, comes in part due to what I’ve put my strands through. Hair dye, heat styling, residue laden shampoos, and products….the list goes on. Today, though, I’m much more comfortable with my hair’s natural texture. While I haven’t been blessed with super curls, I’m at peace with my never-the-same wavy hair. I air dry my hair regularly and rarely take out styling tools. It’s freeing to come to terms with your natural state, whether it’s your body or your hair. Nowadays, it’s easier to look at my thick, sometimes frizzy mane, though, and admire it instead of hating it. Volume is in. Curly hair is hot. There are also so many products on the market now that cater to curly-haired folk. Thankfully, because curly hair definitely requires significant upkeep!

Tips for keeping curly hair looking beautiful

My hair has never been ultra curly, but I do understand the experience of dealing with frizzy, unruly locks. Whether you’ve been blessed with perfect ringlets, loose mermaid-esque curls, or a head of wavy hair that never seems to behave, curly hair requires a balanced hair care routine. Curls need moisture but are easily weighed down by product. It’s a delicate balancing act to get curly hair hydrated without leaving it a greasy, residue-filled mess.


Too little moisture and you’ll experience frizziness. Too much product and you’ll cause your curls to lose definition and appear lifeless.

Shampooing Curly Hair

washing-curly-hairChoosing a shampoo for curly hair requires a keen eye. It’s extra important to avoid harsh ingredients like sulfates because they can dramatically alter the appearance of your curls. It’s tough to remedy the effects of oil-stripping products once your hair is styled and dried, so check labels carefully before purchasing shampoo. Stay away from sulfates, which dry out hair significantly. Hydrated curls are happy curls, so keep away from ingredients that suck out every ounce of water from your mane. Alcohols are often drying, as well. Silicones won’t frizz up your hair, but they will leave you with excess build up. The heavy residue weighs down curls and leaves hair looking limp and lifeless.


Instead, choose hydrating formulas with ingredients designed to lock in moisture (e.g., keratin). Pick the right shampoo formula for your hair. For example, if you have color-treated hair, spend the extra money to spring for color protection for your curls.


A good tip for curly haired folk, but for anyone who washes their hair: shampoo your scalp and don’t bother with the ends. All those delightful suds will make their way down to your ends, which don’t need as much attention as your scalp anyhow. You’ll not only avoid potential build-up, but you’ll also save money in the long run by using less shampoo each wash.


Even if you have a lot of curly hair, use shampoo sparingly. Even moisturizing formulas are capable of drying out hair. Over-shampooing can strip your hair of its natural oils. Use less than you think you need and shampoo every other day at most.

Conditioning Curly Hair

Shampooing Curly HairWhy bother conditioning? Because it’s incredibly crucial for moisture hungry curly hair.

Conditioning is essential for curly hair, but avoid using too much product. Overdoing it with conditioner can weigh down ringlets and leave you with hair that lacks volume and feels greasy. Some curly-haired individuals actually prefer to condition before shampooing to prevent build-up. I’ve tried this pre-conditioner method, and it does help prevent thick, creamy conditioners from weighing down my waves, but I still prefer conditioning after I shampoo, since shampooing tends to dry out my locks, no matter which formula I’ve selected.


A quality conditioner should moisturize, hydrate, prevent frizz, shape your curls, and leave your mane looking shiny and healthy.


Leave-in conditioners are helpful for tangle-prone curly hair but use sparingly. You don’t rinse it out, so using too much can quickly lead to a dirty, greasy look. If you’re prone to dryness or have fried, over-processed hair, consider a hair mask treatment. Otherwise, pick a conditioner made for curly locks, to prevent residue build-up.

Styling Curly Hair

Styling Curly HairThe greatest aspect of curly hair? It requires minimal styling since curls are inherently dramatic and gorgeous. If you plan to straighten or dry your hair, try to do it once in a while. Heat styling can easily damage hair. Curly hair is best air dried to keep heat damage to a minimum. I rarely ever blow-dry my wavy hair anymore and have found a marked improvement in my hair’s texture and healthfulness now that I rarely heat style.


If you’re looking to define your curls, use product on wet hair and let air dry. Choose from gels, creams, and mousses. If you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to air dry, use your blow dryer with a hair diffuser and pick a quality heat protection product to prevent hair damage.


While your hair air dries, avoid repeatedly touching it. You’ll create a frizzy mess. All hair types should avoid forcibly rubbing their hair dry with a towel, but curly-haired people especially, it encourages frizz.


What are your favorite products for shampooing, conditioning, and styling your curly hair? Do you have an involved routine or are you a simplest when it comes to caring for your mane?



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