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7 things you do that age your skin prematurely

causes of premature aging

Age is just a number. You’ve heard that enough times throughout your life. But as true as it may be, we all like to feel and look young. One of the biggest factors that affects how old you look and feel is the health of your skin. Aging is a natural process. And with age, your skin loses elasticity and develops dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles. Genetics plays a large role in how you age, and you don’t have control over much of it. But you do have some ability to prevent showing the signs of aging earlier than they have to.

You encounter a lot of stressors and toxins throughout your day. These and other factors can lead to premature aging. The good news is many of them connect to your daily habits. So you have the power to change them in positive ways and avoid aging your skin prematurely. From what you eat to how you think, here are seven things you do that are aging you. And knowledge is power. Once you identify your bad habits, you can deal with them.

1. You don’t wear sunscreen

Sun damage is one of the major contributors to the premature aging of skin. Heavy exposure to UV rays weakens your skin cells and causes dark spots (also known as age spots) and wrinkled, leathery looking skin. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors; it just means you should never do so without applying a broad spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to all skin that isn’t covered by clothing. You should apply sunscreen even if you are only going to be outside for five minutes, and you should reapply as often as needed if you are out for a prolonged period of time. Wearing a hat will also help to keep the sun off of your face. If sunspots have already formed, you may be able to treat them topically with vitamin c and alpha hydroxy acid, but these do not replace the need to avoid the sun when possible and to wear sunscreen and a hat when you are in the sun.

2. You wash your face too aggressively

Rubbing your skin too hard when washing or using a cleanser that is too harsh for your skin type can also lead to aging your skin prematurely. Scrubbing your skin too hard can cause it to become irritated, and when skin is irritated its aging process can be sped up. Aggressive rubbing also leads to the skin being stretched, which can lead to wrinkles occurring earlier than they normally would. So instead of scrubbing your face within an inch of its life, be sure you are using a cleanser that is right for your skin type and gently wash your face and pat it dry. Also make sure that when applying other facial products, you apply them gently by patting them in to your skin in place of rubbing them in.

3. You drink too much alcohol

Alcohol is a natural diuretic and dehydrates you as you drink it. Thus, the more you drink, the more dehydrated you, and your skin, will be. Dehydration can cause your skin to sag as well as exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Both minimizing your alcohol intake and replacing it with more water will help to prevent your skin from aging prematurely.

4. You have poor eating habits

Studies have shown that eating foods that contain a lot of sugar and carbohydrates can damage your skin over time and accelerate aging. These types of foods both cause inflammation, which may lead to the formation of wrinkles, and break down your body’s collagen and elastin, leading to looser, less full looking skin. You can prevent this by making sure to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables as well as foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acids.  These foods are full of healthy fats an vitamins that work to keep your skin soft and full.

5. You don’t get enough sleep

Sleep is when your body works to regenerate cells, so if you’re not getting enough of it you may be cutting this process short. Lack of sleep is also believed to increase cortisol, which is a stress hormone, contributing to premature aging. Skin that is not getting enough “off” time will be dull and have dark circles and fine lines. It is recommended that you get at least seven hours of sleep a night, and that you sleep on your back as sleeping too long on one side of your face can cause fine lines and wrinkles. If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try exercising before bed and not watching TV or looking at your phone for at least one hour before bed.

6. You deal with too much stress

Too much stress in your body can lead to inflammation as well as the inability to get the proper amount of sleep, which may lead to an increased level of stress hormones in your body. Both inflammation and stress hormones work to age your body faster than it would age on its own. Also, when we are stressed it often translates to facial expressions that can lead to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Stress also elevates the level of cortisol in our system which contributes to premature aging as well. Wherever you can, try and lower your stress levels by getting enough sleep, exercising regularly or practicing yoga and meditation.

7. You smoke

Smoking is one of the biggest factors that leads to premature aging. The toxins in cigarette smoke lead to dryness and wrinkles. Nicotine also has several chemicals that destroy your body’s natural collagen, and the constant pursing of your lips in the physical act of smoking leads to deep wrinkles. Nicotine also causes the blood vessels in your fact to constrict, which means poor circulation, which leads to skin damage. Smokers will have dull, sallow-looking skin as well as more fine lines and wrinkles. The only way to prevent these signs of premature aging from smoking is to quit. Put the cigarette down and replace it with a carrot stick if you’re able.


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