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5 Things to Know Before Getting Lash Extensions


If you’re willing to go to great lengths (pun intended) for long and luxurious lashes – you’ve probably considered extensions. Your co-worker may have gotten them for her wedding, or you’ve just seen a million articles about how they’re the best thing to happen to the beauty world since waterproof mascara. Lash extensions truly are pretty great, but there are a few things you should know before getting them.

You may know the basics of lash extensions – that they last a full eyelash growth cycle, the application process can take up to two hours, and you should arrive bare-faced to the appointment. But did you know that you needed to brush them every day? Or that washing your face is about to get a lot more complicated? Read on for the top 5 things you should know before booking your appointment for lash extensions.

1. They require daily maintenance

Lash extensions are definitely more convenient than glueing on falsies every day, but you need to take proper care of them. To avoid tangling, it’s required that you use a spoolie brush to gently brush through extensions upon waking up, after showering and before bed.

That’s right. Your new routine is to brush your hair, teeth and lash extensions. And while you should be gentle, it’s also recommended to use the right cleanser (like diluted baby shampoo) to keep junk from building up in your extensions. If you keep them clean and untangled, you’ll look and feel like your most beautiful self. The last thing you need is eye irritation or infection!

2. Not all lash extensions are created equal

The best beauty tip? Always invest in the best when it’s going on your face – especially near the delicate eye area. Lash extensions aren’t cheap, and you may be tempted to go with the least pricey option. However, it’s important to do your research before deciding on a specialist or studio. That means checking reviews, before and after photos and asking any questions you may have.

While it may cost a little more, you may want to consider a lash extension specialist that provides a consultation. Since everybody’s eyes are different, they can help determine the lash length, style, and thickness to fit your needs. Whether you’re looking to go for over-the-top Instagram model lashes or just a subtle curl… a consultation will let you express what you’re looking for and get your desired results.

3. You may have to change your eye makeup

Set your mascara aside, you won’t be needing it for a while. The beauty of lash extensions is that they do all the work for you, and you’ll no longer need mascara! Even if you feel the urge to add just one coat… resist the temptation, as this can weaken the bond of your lash extensions and make them not last as long. You just spend a good bit of cash on your new extensions, don’t put them at risk!

While you’re still able to wear eyeshadow with lash extensions… many just skip it out of ease. Applying a cut crease while trying to avoid fallout in your lash extensions is no easy task, and these shadow crumbles can build up in the roots of your lashes and cause breakage. Unless you have a super steady hand, you probably won’t be doing as many artsy eye makeup looks with your new lash extensions.

4. You need to care for your skin differently, too

We can’t stress this enough. Lash extensions will look gorgeous on you, but it takes work and dedication to stay this beautiful! While you have extensions, it’s best to avoid oily creams and moisturizers – which can get into your extensions and weaken them. If you absolutely need to use eye cream for your dark circles, try using it in the morning, rather than before bed. This way, it’s less likely to make its way into your lashes while you sleep.

And then there’s the act of washing your face. You can’t just splash water into your face like you’re in a commercial anymore, as going too rough will cause you to lose more than a few lashes. Try gently patting (not scrubbing) water into your skin in light, circular motions. Your skin and lashes will appreciate it.

5. If you get them once, you’ll never go back

Lash extensions fall off naturally as your real ones begin to grow back in, typically lasting between 6 to 8 weeks. The only thing is… once you’ve had lash extensions, you’ll never want to go back to falsies ever again.

There’s something truly gratifying about being able to run out the door with luxuriously long lashes, without needing to apply makeup or glue on a set of fakes. You also don’t need to worry about mascara smearing or your false eyelash poking you all day if you didn’t cut it correctly. Lash extensions can be pricey and require dedication, but they may just be the best thing to ever happen to your beauty routine.


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